It is really important to remember that you are more than a mother, a wife, a boss, an employee and a daughter. You are an individual. Rediscovering who you are and what makes you happy is the first step in feeling like a desirable, attractive and interesting woman. Enter the 'Me Date'.
Taking time out for yourself is not selfish it is vital. Commit to a date with yourself at least once a week, what I like to call the 'Me Date'. How you spend that time should be down to you and you alone. It can seem rather daunting at first, especially if you are used to putting everyone else's needs before your own. If you are not sure what to do for your first date, check out my top ten 'Me Dates' for some inspiration.
Run a bath. Pour in some bubbles. Light scented candles. Lay back and enjoy the silence.
Go to the park. Take off your shoes and walk in the grass. Settle against a tree to watch the world go by.
Keep a diary. Writing a diary is a wonderful way to stop and think about how you feel and what you like. A great reminder that you are an interesting sensual woman with opinions on things other than brands of washing powder!
Put on some soft music and read an erotic novel. Explore your body. Find out where you like to be touched. Experiment with high end sex toys such as Lelo vibrators and enjoy a blissful orgasm.
Treat yourself to a movie night. Indulge in your favorite 'romcom', classic movie or even the latest action film. The point is the choice is all yours!
Cook for yourself. And I don't mean stick a meal in the microwave. Make yourself a delicious homemade dinner.
Close the blinds, put on your favorite album and dance! Food for the soul!
Turn your hand to something new. Whether it be painting, cooking, writing, learning a language, try something different that will challenge you.
Have an early night with a good book. No disruptions allowed.
Go shopping and treat yourself to something that you wouldn't usually buy for yourself or something that makes you feel sexy. It doesn't have to be expensive it could be something as simple as buying yourself some chocolates or some flowers. Perhaps a new perfume, some sexy lingerie or a new trendy haircut, the list is endless!
Most importantly of all, do not feel guilty about your 'Me Dates'. If you are to be the best you can be in your many roles, you must invest time in yourself. It's invigorating!